Every objects includeing Integer or String are member(Instance) of Class. The behavior of the objects are identified by their Class. For example, + operator returns sum of numeric value (Integer of Float), also returns concatenated string if operands are string.
Class may have methods. As we saw before, String and List have many methods. Methods are functions that related to their Class.
Pythons's Class support Inheritance, when you make your own class, you can specify its perant class.
In a comparison of C++, the Class of Python is not so strict. Private data/method are not supported (but Mangling is possible by attaching __ before variable name). Data(attribute) which is not defined in Class can be added.
In [ ]:
# empty class for data container
class Test_case():
def distance(tc):
tc: test_case instance
return distance from (0,0) to (tc.x, tc,y)
return (tc.x**2 + tc.y**2) ** (0.5)
tc1 = Test_case() # create new instance
tc1.x = 100
tc1.y = 200
tc2 = Test_case()
tc2.x = 10
tc2.y = 30
print("tc1:", distance(tc1))
print("tc2:", distance(tc2))
Each instance of the class can have its unique attributes (variables), as for above example, x and y are different value in tc1 and tc2. Class can have variables that belong to class (every instance refers same value). In order to use Class variables, use Class_name.variable_name
In [ ]:
class Beatles():
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.best_friend = None
def answer(self):
print('My name is', self.name)
john = Beatles('John Lenon')
paul = Beatles('Paul McCartony')
george = Beatles('George Harrison')
ringo = Beatles('Ringo Starr')
john.answer() # perform answer methon on object john
john.best_friend = paul
paul.best_friend = george
george.best_friend = ringo
ringo.best_friend = john
print(john.best_friend.name) # print john's best_friend name
print(john.best_friend.best_friend.name) # john's best_friend = paul; paul's best_friend name
In [ ]:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
class rectangle():
def __init__(self, size_x, size_y):
self.size_x = size_x
self.size_y = size_y
self.area = size_x * size_y
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.area < other.area
def __repr__(self):
return ('Rectangle('+str(self.size_x)+'x'+str(self.size_y)+')')
sq1 = rectangle(1,11)
sq2 = rectangle(3,4)
sq3 = rectangle(2,5)
x = [sq1, sq2, sq3]
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# 2017 MMCPC rehearsal problem-D
class BinTreeNode():
def __init__(self, val):
self.val = val
self.parent = None
self.left = None
self.right = None
def add_left(self, left):
left.parent = self
self.left = left
def add_right(self, right):
right.parent = self
self.right = right
def add_child(self, child):
if child.val < self.val:
if self.left == None:
if self.right == None:
def print_node(self):
if self.parent: print('Parent:', self.parent.val, end=' ')
if self.left: print('Left:', self.left.val, end = ' ')
if self.right: print('Right', self.right.val, end = ' ')
print('Node val:', self.val)
if self.left: self.left.print_node()
if self.right: self.right.print_node()
In [ ]:
root_node = BinTreeNode(11)
for val in (6, 19, 4, 8, 17, 43, 5, 10, 31,49):
node = BinTreeNode(val)